Simplifying Module Imports in Vite React TypeScript with Aliases

Simplifying Module Imports in Vite React TypeScript with Aliases

As our Vite React TypeScript projects grow in complexity, we often find ourselves importing modules from various directories. Writing out long relative paths can be tedious and make our code less readable. Fortunately, there's a solution—aliases.

With aliases, we can define a short name for a directory and use it in our imports. For example, instead of writing import Button from '../../components/Button';, we can write import Button from '@components/Button';. This not only makes our code more concise, but also easier to read.

To set up aliases in our Vite React TypeScript project, we need to make changes in two files—⁣tsconfig.json and vite.config.ts.

Setting up Aliases in tsconfig.json

In the tsconfig.json file, we need to define our aliases under compilerOptions. Here's an example:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "baseUrl": ".",
    "paths": {
      "@components/*": ["src/components/*"],
      "@styles/*": ["src/styles/*"],
      "@utils/*": ["src/utils/*"]

Here, we've defined three aliases—⁣@components, @styles, and @utils. The baseUrl option specifies the base directory for resolving non-relative module names. In our case, it's the root directory of our project. The paths option is an object that maps the aliases to their corresponding paths. The * after the alias name means that we can also import files inside subdirectories of the alias directory.

Setting up Aliases in vite.config.ts

Now that we've defined our aliases, we need to tell Vite where to find them. We can do this in the vite.config.ts file. Here's an example:

import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
import path from 'path';

export default defineConfig({
  resolve: {
    alias: {
      '@': path.resolve(__dirname, 'src')

Here, we're using the resolve.alias option to map the @ alias to the src directory. The path.resolve function resolves the absolute path of the src directory relative to the current directory (__dirname). This tells Vite where to find our aliased modules.

Using Aliases in our Imports

Now that we've set up our aliases, we can start using them in our imports. Here's an example:

import Button from '@components/Button';
import styles from '@styles/main.module.css';
import { formatDate } from '@utils/dateUtils';

This is much cleaner and more readable than writing out the full relative path.


In this article, we've learned how to set up aliases in our Vite React TypeScript project to simplify our module imports. Aliases make our code more concise and readable, and they're easy to set up. So next time you find yourself writing out a long relative path, consider using aliases instead. Happy coding!